Wolfenstein 2 Wins with This Great Trailer

It is E3 time, and we see lots of things, right? Well, Wolfenstein 2, which also has the working(?) title “The New Colossus“, and is technically not Wolfenstein 2 … anyway, this is the best trailer we’ve seen for quite a while, and not even just because of the gameplay. But see for yourself:

Let’s just hope we don’t get to fight naughty Liesel …

So it seems Wolfenstein 2 brings us to the US of Nazi America, where good old B.J. fights from Roswell and New Orleans to a post-nuke New York, and does what he does best – slaughtering Nazis by the thousands!

Rabidgames laughs: So far, this trailer has been the highlight of E3. Now we can only hope Wolfenstein 2 follows The New Order with the great level design and the nice character development as well. And as a bonus, who knows what we will discover in Roswell …

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